The Gig

Promote a newly developed IPO roadmap for a shareholder services company by creating engaging video content aimed at existing mutual fund customers not benefiting from their IPO services.

The Challenge

While our client had an established relationship with their mutual fund customers, they identified a gap: many of these customers weren't utilizing the platform's IPO services. To bridge this gap, Arthur needed to create content that not only informed but touched upon the customers personal pain points.

The Approach

  • Understanding the IPO Roadmap: Before diving into content creation, it was imperative to grasp the intricacies of the recently developed IPO roadmap. This ensured that the video content was both informative and accurate.
  • Target Audience Analysis: Recognizing existing mutual fund customers' familiarity with the platform, the content was tailored to touch upon their specific pain points and needs, making the proposition of IPO services more relatable and enticing.
  • Engaging Video Creation: The video content was designed to be concise, engaging, and visually appealing, ensuring viewers remained hooked from start to finish. The video was cut into a series, each explaining a step in the IPO roadmap.
  • Distribution Strategy: Leveraging the platform's contacts and automation platform, we ensured the videos reached the target audience effectively, maximizing visibility and engagement.
  • Performance Metrics: Success wasn't just about creating content; it was about measurable results. We tracked video Click-Through Rate (CTR) and Sales Qualified Leads (SQLs) resulting from conversations spurred by the video content. An SQL, in this case, was defined as a demo booked and held.

The Results

66% Click Through Rate

52% Response Rate

15 Sales Qualified Opportunities